Like muscle underneath the skin
Arranges dreams to carry me
Where my feet have never been.
To play with lazy cats
Under the embrace of soothing suns
And pick up shooting diamonds
When my hands feel like guns.
Kidneys don't bleed whiskey
Heart don't pump wine anymore
And there's a cork in my throat
That heals my rock'n'roll sores.
Still, it squeezes through my body
For you dearest kind protecter, such hatred
Such bitter and poisonous and
WIld and wonderfully coagulated.
For selling my piano
A gesture so grotesque
Abandoned blackened white teeth
In cavities that know no rest.
Now I lay mute in my bed
My words forever swallowed
In the sounds I'll never make.
Cand citesc ce scrii o simt pe Blandiana din "Invata-ma sa ard intunecat" in tine, dintr-un motiv sau altul. Fii mandru ca trezesti intr-o persoana aceleasi senzatii pe care le-a declansat cea mai sexy si mai profunda poeta de pe la noi :) Cauta poezia, imi multumesti mai tarziu. Dezlantuie femeia din tine, Marius, ea exista in toti barbatii, no more Bukowski & Kerouac macho bullcrap!
ReplyDeleteDa Cristian, dezlantuie femeia din tine, cu toti asteptam sa "iesi din debara" :))
ReplyDeleteGlumesc bineinteles, sange de poet iti alearga prin vene baiete, si ar fi pacat sa nu faci ceva din asta :>