Gin si ciocolata amara
se lungesc somnoros pe limba
Iar o tigara aluneca spre filtru
Sarbatorind delirul.
aplecat peste un vas
Ce chinuie mancarea stranie
Si muzica soptesteste linistita
o amintire amutita.
E pasul promisiunilor
Ce deruleaza o fraza vie
Mana ce culege midii de pe rafturi
Si le aduce in sufragerie.
Atunci, viata parea un cuptor
In care am gatit fara-a face economie
Dar acum tot ce-a ramas de ros
E doar o unghie, mancata de anemie.
Probabil nu e cum ma vadeai
Sau cum ma vedeam nici eu
In zilele cand aveam degetele impletite
Lasand noptile sa treaca mai greu.
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
Daca-i ceva chimic
sa-ngropam vina in curte;
Unde traiesc substantele
ce lasa celulele naturii mute.
Sa inclinam capul
In fata tronului electric.
Unde zace suveran
Etanol inchis ermetic.
Sa pierdem nicotina,
incolacita lenes dupa degete,
Precum serpi muribunzi
Ai unui vis ce se pierde.
Sa umplem piscine
Cu detestabilul colesterol
Si sa lasam armurile de carne
ce sufoca spiritul din interior.
Sa lasam macii sa creasca
Ingrijiti de shamani contemporani
Sa pregateasca cultisti ai filtrului
Pentru taierea sirului de ani.
Sa ne legam cu ritmuri hipnotice
De glezne mancate de infometare,
Si sa sarim de pe clape in golul imaginatiei;
imbracati in gandul de plecare.
Si ce ar mai fi de oferit,
cand ne dai miere, lapte si un cer senin;
si noi iti fabricam meticulos
Fiere, bezna si venin?
Asa ca lasa foc si fum si scrum
Lasa apa sa ia nepasatoare
Lasa aerul sa ne tina vie
Amintirea unor boli uimitoare.
Pentru ca-n aerul confuz
Patat de magia translucenta-neagra;
Sticla ochilor ramane opaca
in fata emotiei ce nu poate s-o sparga.
sa-ngropam vina in curte;
Unde traiesc substantele
ce lasa celulele naturii mute.
Sa inclinam capul
In fata tronului electric.
Unde zace suveran
Etanol inchis ermetic.
Sa pierdem nicotina,
incolacita lenes dupa degete,
Precum serpi muribunzi
Ai unui vis ce se pierde.
Sa umplem piscine
Cu detestabilul colesterol
Si sa lasam armurile de carne
ce sufoca spiritul din interior.
Sa lasam macii sa creasca
Ingrijiti de shamani contemporani
Sa pregateasca cultisti ai filtrului
Pentru taierea sirului de ani.
Sa ne legam cu ritmuri hipnotice
De glezne mancate de infometare,
Si sa sarim de pe clape in golul imaginatiei;
imbracati in gandul de plecare.
Si ce ar mai fi de oferit,
cand ne dai miere, lapte si un cer senin;
si noi iti fabricam meticulos
Fiere, bezna si venin?
Asa ca lasa foc si fum si scrum
Lasa apa sa ia nepasatoare
Lasa aerul sa ne tina vie
Amintirea unor boli uimitoare.
Pentru ca-n aerul confuz
Patat de magia translucenta-neagra;
Sticla ochilor ramane opaca
in fata emotiei ce nu poate s-o sparga.
Thursday, 23 February 2012
Zilele trec mai greu zilele astea,
din emisfera stanga catre cea dreapta.
Murdare si ruginite, de asteptarea neinduplecata
E o perioada curioasa
Strangulata violent de frig si ceata
ce se lungeste in fata mea, apatica si dezbracata.
Vine cu murmur de voci
Lipsite de gura, ce soptesc mangaietor,
Un doliu al sinceritatii ce ma lasa neincrezator.
Imi spun ca n-ar fi ocean nestrabatut
Daca-am bratele deschise in uitare.
Si sa nu mai las sarea marii
sa-mi deschida rani amare.
Si-am scris pe-o caramida Speranta
Aruncand-o in fantezia mecanica a orasului,
Mi-am ridicat corpul printre norii de fum
Si am fost multe dimineti vecinul soarelui.
Intre timp cei vii se zbateau cumplit
In oaze, prin desertul sufletului.
Dar seceta mea capricioasa i-a cules
I-a dus departe, pe autostrada gandului.
Acum muzica, ceai, creion si hartie;
Scriu replicile unei inimi plictisitoare si senile.
Cu ea, zambesc crapat si-ntind mana catre tine
Zdrobit sub ale timpului delicate șenile.
Si toate florile lui martie
Cu mirajul alcalin de migdale.
Toata ciocolata tropicelor
Mangaiate calm de soare;
Toti pantofii ce-au traversat
lumea intr-un singur avant.
Si toate animalele lumii
Ce zambesc de sub pamant.
Toate asista cu mila,
fara a spune ceva,
La nunta noastra chimica
Ce are loc numai in mintea mea.
din emisfera stanga catre cea dreapta.
Murdare si ruginite, de asteptarea neinduplecata
E o perioada curioasa
Strangulata violent de frig si ceata
ce se lungeste in fata mea, apatica si dezbracata.
Vine cu murmur de voci
Lipsite de gura, ce soptesc mangaietor,
Un doliu al sinceritatii ce ma lasa neincrezator.
Imi spun ca n-ar fi ocean nestrabatut
Daca-am bratele deschise in uitare.
Si sa nu mai las sarea marii
sa-mi deschida rani amare.
Si-am scris pe-o caramida Speranta
Aruncand-o in fantezia mecanica a orasului,
Mi-am ridicat corpul printre norii de fum
Si am fost multe dimineti vecinul soarelui.
Intre timp cei vii se zbateau cumplit
In oaze, prin desertul sufletului.
Dar seceta mea capricioasa i-a cules
I-a dus departe, pe autostrada gandului.
Acum muzica, ceai, creion si hartie;
Scriu replicile unei inimi plictisitoare si senile.
Cu ea, zambesc crapat si-ntind mana catre tine
Zdrobit sub ale timpului delicate șenile.
Si toate florile lui martie
Cu mirajul alcalin de migdale.
Toata ciocolata tropicelor
Mangaiate calm de soare;
Toti pantofii ce-au traversat
lumea intr-un singur avant.
Si toate animalele lumii
Ce zambesc de sub pamant.
Toate asista cu mila,
fara a spune ceva,
La nunta noastra chimica
Ce are loc numai in mintea mea.
Strange Death in Pardise
Spiraling, falling
A silver machine
From wings of freedom
Silent above.
Eyelids were burning
Summer sun roasting
Tumbling Chrome
Into the clear blue sky.
Brighter than sunshine
For all of our life times
1000 stars
Turned day into night at the end
Where were you
When it fell from the sky
I saw the movie, I read the reply
In the begining there was only the Word
People were kissing
In front of their shadows
Children were playing
Out in the yard.
I am not guilty
I made no difference
I wasn't born
And I wasn't made on that day.
Strange death in paradise...
A silver machine
From wings of freedom
Silent above.
Eyelids were burning
Summer sun roasting
Tumbling Chrome
Into the clear blue sky.
Brighter than sunshine
For all of our life times
1000 stars
Turned day into night at the end
Where were you
When it fell from the sky
I saw the movie, I read the reply
In the begining there was only the Word
People were kissing
In front of their shadows
Children were playing
Out in the yard.
I am not guilty
I made no difference
I wasn't born
And I wasn't made on that day.
Strange death in paradise...
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Mein Kampf
Sunt 2000 de ani
De cand am inceput sa innumaram
Cand noul om
Si-a luat avantul lui diform.
Voievozi cu ceafa lata
Si maini ce invart monede
Mai ceva ca o lopata.
Tarani innecati in fiere
Si boieri obezi
Purtati de mii de cai putere.
Turci inlantuiti de saracia noastra
Regretand ziua cand
Stramosii lor au iesit pe Poarta.
Un pasalac de crestini
Infometati dupa ciubuc
Agitati catre rascoala
Dar nu stiu de se duc.
E insemnul sclaviei
Ce-l purtam in buzunare
Batut treptat de ciobul unei sticle goale
De cand am inceput sa innumaram
Cand noul om
Si-a luat avantul lui diform.
Voievozi cu ceafa lata
Si maini ce invart monede
Mai ceva ca o lopata.
Tarani innecati in fiere
Si boieri obezi
Purtati de mii de cai putere.
Turci inlantuiti de saracia noastra
Regretand ziua cand
Stramosii lor au iesit pe Poarta.
Un pasalac de crestini
Infometati dupa ciubuc
Agitati catre rascoala
Dar nu stiu de se duc.
E insemnul sclaviei
Ce-l purtam in buzunare
Batut treptat de ciobul unei sticle goale
Friday, 17 February 2012

Black as the coffee,
Black as the name.
Heart stricken with hunger,
shallow as a grave.
A king,
Wore both a crown and halo
Never to depart,
From the throne he built
In a poor girls heart.
A moth,
Wholeheartedly engulfed by pride
Spent a second in the sun
For stories told
On the other side
One second at a time,
Buries worlds in oblivion
To erase all of their crimes.
The hollow, the vain
The heartaches, the pain
All linger but a second
Before they fade away
With the cold and soothing light of day.
Monday, 13 February 2012
Incandescence Day work in progress
The world's a comfortable hell
Not inhabited by demons
Fat with consuming flame.
Our skies are never filled
With beasts with wings of skin
That prey on us from within.
All that the eye can see
Are blackened silhouettes
That fade in frozen reverie.
No space to hold my head up high
But with the melting of the snow
I will soar right through you sky
Not inhabited by demons
Fat with consuming flame.
Our skies are never filled
With beasts with wings of skin
That prey on us from within.
All that the eye can see
Are blackened silhouettes
That fade in frozen reverie.
No space to hold my head up high
But with the melting of the snow
I will soar right through you sky
Idele lui Februarie

doar frig ce iti ciupeste pielea.
N-ai clepsidra,
doar tigari ce ard durerea.
Cateodata n-ai mancare
doar o sticla langa pat;
adormindu-ti linistita,
revolta tanarului stomac
Cateodata nu ai soare
doar zapada ce ingroapa
zbatandu-se adanc in fiere;
amintirea-ti schioapa.
Cateodata nu ai vise
si nici somn linistitor
si te gasesti pierdut pe strazi
amortit, nemuritor.
Friday, 10 February 2012
February Fatigue
Tell me please
What difference does it make?
If the ground beneath
Is firm or shakes?
Do we get to keep our youth?
Or do we get to know the truth?
Do we get to live some more?
Do we get to live at all?
Tired of fighting
all the windmills in my head.
I rest now,
in their soothing shade.
I watch the world unravel,
all the games I never played.
A look in the flesh
And there is nothing there.
A mask of skin
That no one can tear.
Life divided us, one year each
And the exit is within our reach
Memoirs replayed in heads
Before we sink into our final beds.
What difference does it make?
If the ground beneath
Is firm or shakes?
Do we get to keep our youth?
Or do we get to know the truth?
Do we get to live some more?
Do we get to live at all?
Tired of fighting
all the windmills in my head.
I rest now,
in their soothing shade.
I watch the world unravel,
all the games I never played.
A look in the flesh
And there is nothing there.
A mask of skin
That no one can tear.
Life divided us, one year each
And the exit is within our reach
Memoirs replayed in heads
Before we sink into our final beds.
Friday, 3 February 2012

From your nest, out in the wild
In search of fellow survivors
within freedom's crumbling towers.
But all that the eye can grope
Is flesh and scales and feathers
All of them devoid of hope.
Within the reach of our Almighty king
Nobody knows what life can bring.
some dream of life, some dream of dreams
Some die in vain, without a dream.
Such is the mortal sleep design
With eyes wide open
The fabric of our fates entwined.
However life paints such disgusting sights
Of coin paving streets with blight;
Streets flooded with gentlemen so blind
That ride on banknote horses full of eyes.
And by the power of reality
Our bodies exhale silent tranquility
While the soul delightfully flies
far away, above past july skies.
In the end the world's a Titan
Not moved by either force nor prayer.
His will, unbent, unbroken
His compassion dormant, never awoken.
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
The 10 Second Dream
Life lies on earth
Like a field of windmills.
With love as our propellers;
Out of control,
everyone and everything.
So I, like millions
Have lost my head
In sweet serenity I died
In your warm embrace,
each day.
And from my orbits,
The will of Mars has sprung away
Like feral mouths of animals
Ready to ingest
that came your way.
And I must admit
I was rudely awaken
From my exquisite shallow pain
I learned to love
Blisters from work
If your love's the final gain.
For even God knows
And in joy he shakes his head;
And slides a tear
From his alabaster eyes,
Seeing monsters
Fallen in love, in abysmal beds.
And i know I am a monster
For my skin is
Scaly,smooth and hard and black
Coated with wine and drugs and poetry
And many failed attempts of heart attack.
But what is she?
A child of love and heartache
All buried in her dress.
Her mouth strangling damnation
Between lips of cherry red.
Her pace is calm, her voice down toned
And when she laughs,
Divine notes of music unfold.
I only wish my eyes were glass
From the melted windshield
in my heart.
To mirror her,
The way her image seems to last
A sight the centuries would keep
Like ancient treasure from the past.
And if time decides
To take away our chances,
I'll break the matter into pieces.
And in the architectural chaos
We'll surely know,
Who we are missing.
But even the cruel and taunting universe
Has granted certainty to me
That we shall never
Know the meaning
Of monochromatic monogamy.
Like a field of windmills.
With love as our propellers;
Out of control,
everyone and everything.
So I, like millions
Have lost my head
In sweet serenity I died
In your warm embrace,
each day.
And from my orbits,
The will of Mars has sprung away
Like feral mouths of animals
Ready to ingest
that came your way.
And I must admit
I was rudely awaken
From my exquisite shallow pain
I learned to love
Blisters from work
If your love's the final gain.
For even God knows
And in joy he shakes his head;
And slides a tear
From his alabaster eyes,
Seeing monsters
Fallen in love, in abysmal beds.
And i know I am a monster
For my skin is
Scaly,smooth and hard and black
Coated with wine and drugs and poetry
And many failed attempts of heart attack.
But what is she?
A child of love and heartache
All buried in her dress.
Her mouth strangling damnation
Between lips of cherry red.
Her pace is calm, her voice down toned
And when she laughs,
Divine notes of music unfold.
I only wish my eyes were glass
From the melted windshield
in my heart.
To mirror her,
The way her image seems to last
A sight the centuries would keep
Like ancient treasure from the past.
And if time decides
To take away our chances,
I'll break the matter into pieces.
And in the architectural chaos
We'll surely know,
Who we are missing.
But even the cruel and taunting universe
Has granted certainty to me
That we shall never
Know the meaning
Of monochromatic monogamy.
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